Week 38 Recap: Almost Ready

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

38 Weeks 
I shared the story behind this shark on Instagram if you'd like to hear about it

Pregnancy-wise there wasn't much newness this week. I'm trying to keep moving (in between propping up my swollen feet, see above) and luckily a lot of the sheer exhaustion I was feeling a few weeks ago has subsided. Still feeling some contractions, but the timing and intensity depends on the day. She's typically very active, especially after meals. My shoes and wedding rings no longer fit. My right leg sometimes falls asleep at the knee, supposedly she's pushing on a nerve. Sleeping kind of hurts, laying on my side just makes the belly feel heavy and pulls even when propped on a pillow. At this point it's more about getting and feeling prepared. The hospital bag is packed, she has a sleeping spot, and I think by this time next week I'll feel comfortable in saying we're technically ready for her earthside, but one more week or so in the womb would be just fine with me.

Since it's the week of Thanksgiving, I felt like sharing a few things about this pregnancy that I'm grateful for as well... There was so much about being pregnant that I dreaded based on things you hear and read. I'm not sure if I've just been lucky or if people complain just a tad too much but most of the "worst" symptoms didn't come until the past several weeks and I wouldn't feel right to vent about them as any discomfort at this point should be expected.

I never:
Had a craving.
Snissed (TMI?)
Had the terrible lower back/hip pain people talk about
Had to worry about counting kicks since she's so active!
Felt more loved

I didn't: 
Have much morning sickness (Keep a little something in your stomach in those first weeks.)
Get stretch marks (Keep moisturizing, no matter what they say!)
Start swelling until the very end (Hyrdation helps so much!)
Resent being pregnant. Aside from missing wine and good cheese, I was able to carry on as usual.
Get super hormonal or emotional. I can count the times on one hand.
Have my sleep ruined. Even getting up multiple times in the night I would still fall right back asleep, thank goodness.

I loved:
Seeing her tiny body on that first ultrasound and that little wave. I die.
Watching this bump grow
Hearing her heartbeat the first time (Man, was I holding my breath for that!)
Feeling the first "bubbles" of movement
Feeling the first gentle kicks
Watching her bigger kicks/shifts in my belly. We'd call them alien moments.

Even though she could make her grand entrance at any moment, it's still a little hard to believe this part is coming to an end!

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