First Family Vacation! (Asheville, NC)

Friday, January 30, 2015

We recently spent a week in western North Carolina, jaunting between our relaxing accommodations in Maggie Valley and the active options in Asheville. Although I grew up just an hour away, I'd never spent time in the area and fell completely in love. (As well as felt extremely disappointed in everything I'd missed over the years!) Aside from being surrounded by gorgeous mountain scenery, Asheville offers a culinary and creative experience that is sure to delight any traveler. The laid-back culture, endless selection of restaurants, bookoo's of breweries, and eclectic shops and sights captured our spirits. Have you ever visited a new place and instantly felt at home? As if you've always known it, and that you belong there? It's only happened a few times to me, but this was one of them.  (As much as I adore Chicago, and how it became home over the years, on my first visit I didn't experience that - probably because I was freeeezing! Note: don't visit Chi-town for the very first time in January. Or any winter month for that matter.) Anyway, back to Asheville. Basically, I love it. The vibe, the people, the uniqueness, the views, the weather, the food (man, did we eat well!). It's Southern charm in a city. I can totally see myself calling it home someday, at least I hope so.

It will also hold a special place in my heart since it was E's first official vacation, just the three of us! She is such an amazing baby. I know, I know. All parent's probably think that. But seriously, she is! She's always such a trooper. We tote her along pretty much anywhere and she's cool to hang (aka: sleep). By now we've got a decent handle on her moods and routines so we plan around mealtimes or take breaks as needed, but I'm sooo thrilled that we're doing our best at carrying on with life as usual (or at least the new normal).  (I was terrified we'd become those people who never leave the house "because of the baby". And I also know that'll probably shift and change through the months and years so I'm taking advantage of all the newborn sleepiness! ) Yes, it takes a little more work and a lot more patience, but I hope someday she'll appreciate our effort to make memories, even if she only "remembers" it via photo's and blog posts. :)

Speaking of... the photo's!

 I spotted this quote while bumming around downtown on our first day, it fits our trip perfectly!

Loved the vegetarian herb gravy and biscuits at Over Easy!

I might have gone a little crazy in this store.

 Squishy napped a lot, especially on this leather couch while we snacked on this...

(A visit to the Chocolate Lounge is a must.)
Then she woke up and we played "flying baby" for a minute, just because.

She spent a lot of time in her carriers while we walked around town. I absolutely love wearing her! It's almost like the best of being pregnant again, except I can remove the weight when it gets too uncomfortable ;)

This picture annoys me because the bottom half of my lipstick was worn off but Alex likes it so it's getting posted...

This might be one of my favorite pictures of my girl to date. 
She's forever yawning and looking adorable.

Can you even with these faces?!

In between sampling breweries and stuffing our faces we enjoyed finding beauty in some spots off the beaten path.

Thanks for the memories Ashvegas, we'll be back! 

P.S. You can follow our adventures in real time via Instagram


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