What a Week

Friday, January 13, 2012

Johanna of 101 Things I Love, Jennifer of Red Soles and Red Wine, Moi, Monica of The MidWasteland
photo by Kevin Aeh

Man, this was a rough one! (As you might have noticed by my disappearance around these parts...) But it did include some goodness like a date with Johanna (which provided the 'cat attack' picture above that just cracks me up) and the little snowstorm pictured below. (It's no Snowmaggedon but it'll do.) This happened yesterday afternoon and as it was the first significant snowfall of this winter, we decided to get out in it last night for a stroll - which was equal parts freezing and pretty. Bonus =  it's just in time for our winter weekend getaway to Michigan with friends for a little cooking, game playing, skiing and large consumption's of wine. Have a happy one friends!

P.S. It's Friday the 13th - you know I love it!

At this point I'm thinking, "Somebody should have left work much, much earlier..." 

My view for nearly 2 hours. This kept me company. 

 Laser flakes!

 Snowy rocks on the beach.

Video Skyping with the mother-in-law. Technology is so darn neat! 


  1. That cat attack photo is all kinds of awesome!


  2. Ummm...hilarious. Where did you decide on for Mich? Have an awesome time!

  3. We booked through the agency you suggested - so excited!!

  4. The cat picture is hilarious :)

  5. I love the cat attack photo so much!!!

  6. Lucky you to have had snow. We had a 5 minute storm this morning but nothing since. Hope you're doing great and have a great weekend!

  7. oh how pretty!!!! I can't wait to experience a Chicago winter.

    I love that you had a bloggy date! I've never done one because I'm secretly slightly shy... but hopefully someday :)

    Enjoy the skiing and wine!

  8. OMG, that snowstorm looks fierce enough! Chicago roads can be so treacherous in the snow (and so can the trip to western Michigan with lake effects - be safe on your trip!). We had some rain here in CT the last few days, but no snow...yet. I've heard there's been some in New York and Jersey so...I'm waiting.

  9. It only takes a tiny bit of snow to be snowmaggeden here. We have some right now and I slipped and slided into work. We're supposed to get more too!

  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one recovering from last week–but boy if that Cat Attack photo isn't the cure to anything!


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