Spot the Steal - Here, Kitty Kitty

Friday, October 21, 2011

$20 - Asos / $155 - Elizabeth & James

How'd you do?

Bummed about my unplanned hiatus this week. But I'm planning to return next week in full force. That is, if this cold will ever go away. Stuffy sinuses make my brain foggy... Hope you have a happy weekend! 


  1. You know I actually prefer the shape of the cheaper glasses, but definitely love the colour of the expensive ones more. In an ideal world I could just mush them together! :)

    Sorcha x
    Bonfire Brunette

  2. i like the top ones the best. I think those are the cheaper ones, right? Yeah. Nice.

  3. I adore the top ones. I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Love those sunglasses. Hope you feel better soon. Illness is going around. :(

  5. oh man! i got it WRONG. fortunately the steal is also my fave :)


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